MSV Erenköy
Location: İstanbul, Turkey
Year: 2019
Status: Built
Type: Mixed Use

MSV Erenköy
The building block is located on Bagdat Street, one of the most vibrant streets of Istanbul. The other side of the block has a border with Selin Street. Bagdat Street has a high-density pedestrian flow, whereas Selin St. has a low-density with regard to the residential character of the neighborhood.
The receded façade of the commercial building is designed for welcoming and orienting pedestrians from both walking directions of the sidewalk. In order to increase the comfort level in offices, a double façade system is used to reduce the noise coming out of the street.
The residential building on the Selin St. side is planned with a single flat on each floor. The building is oriented to Marmara Sea and Prince Islands, offering a valuable landscape for its users.
Project area, consists of three main landscape areas: street, courtyard and passages. Office block faces Bagdat St. whereas the residential and commercial block faces Selin Sokak.
Courtyard landcape takes place between those two blocks, functioning recreationally for both two blocks’ users and residents. The area, propounding landscape features for sit&relax, has pedestrian priority with controlled car access. Providing proper soil depth, huge trees are located on the top of underground parking area.
On the Bagdat St. side, soft landscape elements with integrated seating units take place, which can also be used by daily users of the street. Additionally with the surface lighting, orientation to the building is provided. Passages through the courtyard have stair and ramp-stair solutions that work with soft landscape on different levels. Deciduous and evergreen plants are used to reflect seasonal color changes. In order to reduce water consumption, grass usage is avoided and covering plants were preferred. Also shrubs are used as groups according to their water consumption levels.